This Wolf animation was created by Hal (Chandos Wolf). Please do not take or remove from my page without my permission. Thanks.My family holds alot of interests, Native American, Eagles, Wolves, ceramics of the past.A wolf biology/information site; with information on the grey wolf, red wolf, ethiopian wolf, etc.Higher Ground was established and dedicated to the American Indian,and to all of our relatives from the animal kingdom.Site for all ages, designed to be fun as well as educational and informative. I beleive in people helping people as stated on the Job assistance page.Nature photography, a page dedicated to wolves and to the memory of Kamots of the Sawtooth Pack, business services, nature and wildlife screensavers, and I create awards for prevention of cruelty to animals and care and conservation of animals.My site is about my love of wolves.This site is about me and my husband and how we met on line and my love of wolves.A family and internet friend page.I have a page on Wolves, Elephants, Buffalo and other subjects.Wolf pictures, wolf facts, quotes, and much more.A site dedicated to the wolf...With photos, Info, Wolf Links, and links on how to adopt a wolf.My site has animals information, and hopefully will put a smile on anyone who visits.It is dedicated to wolves and all animals, and also has lots of angels.This is a little medieval site I have about a certain person I made up. You can say its a fantasy character. Ever since I saw your site I've wanted to dedicate a small portion of my site to the wolf.Site dedicated to promoting tourism to my home town.My site is simply about my two dogs who I love dearly.Humour, childrenscorner, friends, animals world, Web Dreamers, and other great things. Animals World about wolves, bears,dolphins, and other animals.Crafts, photographs, wolf walk, music, video clips, pathways, Native American Links,and other great links.To share the knowledge I have learned from a tradgey and to keep the rememberance of my husband and all loved ones alive. I speak of coma, anoxic-injury, homecare, trac-care, death, potery, love, special causes, and Help to keep the light burning.My site consists of the Wolf.Danish kennel that breeds and races the beautiful and graceful sleddog - the Siberian Husky. Lots of pictures and information about the Siberian Husky.A site with animals and hopefully a message that will remain with anyone who visits..A site about horses.. I'm a female pro drummer in a few bands around PA, WV, And Ohio. I also do Flash 4 and 5 and I'm doing an intro page on wolves. I have wolves and they are my soles in and threw life!Picture of country music artists and audio clips full of songs. Pictures of Hawaii and its culture. I make awards and I also have my own contest and a wolf site with wolfs pics .A Native American based community for the defence of our wild life and enviornment.About wolves and their constant fight for survival. Population stats.Through this site people may link to 100+ national breed rescues (including Wolf and Wolf-Hybrid rescue) as well as gain valuable ownership information.It is a family homepage. We both are great animal lovers and believe in the preservation of all animals.Spirituality,the environment and protection of the wolves.This is a site for family and friends to keep updated on my family. I am still working on it and hope to have a page for all my pets. I also help with the local anmal shelter in finding homes for unwanted animals and I also help care for the young and sick when needed.To promote the protection of the predator species.It Has Wrestling Photos, Nascar Photos And Female Artist Photos.Pics of my best friends and a animals page and Dukes of Hazzard page and a music page with music wavs.It is a Witchcraft site dedicated to bring back the truth about real Witchcraft.Its poems and a story of how Brother Wolf sees life in comparison to human. And how the gift of sight is given to some to see what God's creatures see,, especially through the wolf's eyes and his deep feelings from within.Informative towards the conservation and preservation of wild canids.I'm a Danish Papillon-breeder and my site is about my lovely Papillons and the breeding. It includes a lot of pictures and links to other breeders all over the world.Dedicated to the loyal canine! One section is a memorial to my beloved pom, there are others on pet loss, rainbow bridge, and animal abuse/neglect/over population from the dogs point of view - as best humans can interpete it. We are responsible for the state our world is in, come read our "choices" section, and chose to change it.My original poetry, IRCs made by me and frends and lots of great links!Original poetry, pages dedicated to the wolf, original sketches. I belong to Defenders of Wildlife and have a deep love for the wolf. See the pages on my site that speak of and show respect for this magnificent animal.Fine Native American & Non Native Arts.My dedication to the wolves of the world. A site that shows the beauty and majestic creature in it's true nature.This is a cat oriented site - poems and stories about the cat, with a strong emphasis on spay/neuter and the link between human and animal violence. There is also a section on faeries and unicorns to help keep the magic alive - I believe in unicorns!A personal webpage for massage, aromatherapy, Renaissance fairs, poetry.My site is dedicated for the purpose of connecting people with the lifestyles of Native Americans in the past and present in the 21st century.[Wolf Plaque Page-1] [Wolf Plaque Page-2] |