This Wolf animation was created by Hal (Chandos Wolf). Please do not take or remove my animation from my page, without my permission. Thanks.I try to keep my site uplifting and I do have helpful links, wildlife-southwest-God-Freedom.My Site has Tributes to all in the profession of serving the public, including those of us behind the mic. Many of the graphics are real, such as the badges. My site also consists of poetry, including a poem for child abuse for it is the concern of a Nation, not the family of one. I am finishing a poem ref. drinking and driving as a Paramedic, I have seen the results to often. Some poems are lyrics for a piano composer condenced for the poem. The poem Tears From The Past Into The Future are for my ancestors that went before me and our children of tomorrow.Site about me, my life, my friends and a page dedicated to teaching others about wolves.A museum of living and talking paintings and sculptures from all centuries.It is mostly devoted to nature, family, a generalizaion of my life, thoughts, and dreams, of an earth with its animal friends working side by side for all.Site about me, and my life of being a trucker.Saving the Wolves and my love for them.WildLife Creations offers wildlife gifts and collectibles, dedicated to the wolf and wildlife of this world, helping to protect and conserve endangered wildlife species.A place where friends, family, and animals of all kinds can come and enjoy their stay here and not be harmed.We are volunteers dedicated to helping abandoned, abused and homeless animals find new loving, responsible homes and to educate the public in the proper care of animals and to the importance of spaying or neutering their pets.My site is a site about Wolves! I have wolf species information, awards I have won, links, and lots of other things about wolves!It is about wolves, how to help them and facts about them!!Dedicated to help save the wolf through educating people about them. A place for people to find current updates about wolf situations.Game cheats,driver downloads,Africa Live cartoons/clipart,the family,weather with more.Family, Country and the Conservation of our wildlife. My "Born Free" and "Wildlife" pages touch the heart.Tips to help people learn about the internet so they can communicate better with each other and lead more fulfilled lives.My struggle with asthma and how I am overcoming my afflication.This is my personal homepage,which gives a picture of who I am and also is dedicated to my love of the Wolf and other wildlife.It's about my alaskan malamutes and my work with dogs.Pet related site offering numerour photos, history, facts, humor and more within the cat/kitten/Dachshund world, additionally providing a career section, applets, java, free pet products and more....A collection of stuff that I have written over the years.Inspirational poems, prose, whimsey and other good things. It is family oriented. I'm getting ready to add a genealogy page as my great grand mother was 1/3 cherokee Indian so I also have an interest in Native American heritage and the wolf played a part in that.Personal site with some about myself, family and other fun things for all ages.My personal Home page with photos and information about myself.Free site, free graphics, music, etc.[Wolf Plaque Page-1] [Wolf Plaque Page-2]